Monday, October 31, 2016

Weekly Question!

We are running a Series on Procedural Safeguards. Which of the procedural safeguards under IDEA are most effective in protecting the educational rights of children with disabilities? #SpEdProcedures


  1. In my opinion, the procedural safeguards that are most effective in protecting the educational rights of children with disabilities are those related to parent participation/consent and due process. Parents generally have their child's best interest in mind so the piece of the procedural safeguards that states how parents have the right to participate and be given prior consent on any actions taken with their child helps protect their rights. The due process section of the procedural safeguards is hugely effective in protecting the educational rights of children with disabilities as well as their families. If parents feel like their child is being denied any of the educational rights to free appropriate public education, due process complaints protect the child's education such that they can be afforded the same education as their typically developing peers.

  2. I love that the procedural safeguards offer the right to a free and appropriate education with no expense to the parents, and also reinforces it through the providing them the right to due process and complaint procedures. This assures that schools need to provide proper students also deliver services correctly.

  3. Although due process is a word we try to avoid in special education, I think it is a very important procedural safeguard. If a parent ever feels that there student is not being provided the correct services or another issue arises, there has to be a way to solve the problem.
