Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Tech Issue Revisiter; Zemanta,R.I.P #SpecialEdLawBlog

So I tried just not using the Zemanta images/photographs, but a couple readers said that the problem persisted. Apparently some readers, especially those who open their subscription emails with MS Outlook, suffered through excruciating delays and redirection to Zemanta or other websites. You can read more about the issue here.  

Some readers had suggestions, but nothing worked. So I contacted Zemanta and requested technical support, but they ignored my request.  So I stopped using the images, but that didn't work.  

So OK now I have removed the Zemanta extension from my browser; uninstalled the program from my computer; removed all vestiges of Zemanta from my life; and dashed off a nasty note to them for ignoring my previous request for help.

So good readers, please know that I have killed Zemanta, at least insofar as it relates to me and this blog.  The result will be fewer images and links and related articles,  but our readers will not be going crazy- or at least not because of Zemanta related do loops. We cherish our readers and do not want them flipping out!

In other and unrelated tech news: occasionally people ask me what is the best way to read the blog?  Well the answer is which ever way is best for you.  I recommend that you take a free subscription on the lefthand side of the blog. You can subscribe by email or have the posts appear via RSS feed in a reader or aggregator. Other folks follow our posts on Facebook or read the headlines via Twitter.  Some follow our microblog on Tumblr. Some people just bookmark or follow this blog directly. Others read the posts on LinkedIn. You should also check out our Special Education Law Group on LinkedIn which now has over 19,000 members.  Lots of good discussions and activities.  Links to all of these things are available on the lefthand side of the blog.

Also available on the lefthand side of the blog are all sorts of useful resources.  There are YouTube videos of me being interviewed by CADRE.  There are links to the federal law and regulations, an information clearing house, CADRE, our LinkedIn group and many other sites that special ed stakeholders may find useful. Please check it out and let me know what you think. There is a wealth of good information there.

If you know of other resources that you'd like to see mentioned here, please let me know.  We do not promote websites that favor one side or the other; we are impartial here, but otherwise we are interested in promoting helpful resources.  Let me know.  

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