Saturday, September 17, 2011

New Data Tool: Cool Charts & Graphs

Data analysisImage via Wikipedia

The United States Department of Education has developed a redesigned toy for us.  It involves data, and we love data in special education

The new tool is called ED Data Express.  You can play with the new website here.You can find a nice article with examples of how you can use the ED Data Express at the NICHCY website.

This is a very nice resource for special education stakeholders. You can do a number of things at this website.You can choose a state and review a profile of education data for the state.  You can also use the data elements section to build your own customized charts, graphs, trend lines, etc. Or you can build a table utilizing the data for a particular state. 

More fun with data!  Let me know if you find this tool useful.  Also send copies of any graphs or tables you are proud of.  Viva la data!
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