Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Breaking: Department of Justice Sues State of Georgia For Alleged Segregation of Students With Disabilities #Inclusion

The U.S. Department of Justice has filed a lawsuit  against the state of Georgia alleging that it unnecessarily segregates students with disabilities. The suit relates to how students with behavior-related disabilities get mental health and therapeutic educational services through the Georgia Network for Educational and Therapeutic Support Program  Justice alleges that these services weren't provided in accordance with the integration mandate of the Americans with Disabilities Act.

You can read the complaint here.


  1. I hope and pray this (and the recent attention to "wait listing") indicate a sea-change in treatment of pwd... children and adults.

  2. This is such an unfortunate situation to hear. As a special education teacher it breaks my heart to hear that students with disabilities were treated in such a manner.I believe that our students are viewed upon by some staff as incapable. I understand that behaviors are inevitable but with proper supports in place, students can be successful in the general education and public setting.It's surprising to me that this was done by the staff of the program. They were segregated and had no integration with regular ed.peers. I believe this had to have an impact on students social skills,communication,self expression etc. My class is on campus 35% of the school day and my students enjoy being on campus and with regular education peers. I sure hope this program is making changes so that students will benefit from inclusion.

  3. I have been working with Special education students for many years as a substitute teacher. I am currently in school to become a certified teacher for adapted PE. Reading this blog and court filed complaint was eye opening and sad for me to hear. As a sub I get to see where many different school choose to place their special ed classes on campus, some are right in front of the school for easy accessibility and some are tucked into a classroom way in the back of the school, hidden from public view. I never really thought about it until reading this blog. Students with disabilities benefit from integrating with the general education population, every child wants to fit in, have friends, interact with others and be treated fairly. I hope that the Georgia school district finds a way to treat this kids they way they deserve to be treated, not stuck down in a dark basement like they are in prison.
