This is the second post involving our exclusive interview with Michael Yudin, the Assistant Secretary of Education for special education and rehabilitative services.He is the top guy at the agency that enforces the special education laws!
His biography is available in a previous post. We are grateful to the Assistant Secretary and his staff for this interview.
His biography is available in a previous post. We are grateful to the Assistant Secretary and his staff for this interview.
The format of the interview will be questions by me signified by (JG), and answers by the Assistant Secretary, signified by (MY). Here is the second segment:
JG: What
are the key priorities for OSERS in the remaining time of this Administration-
what does your to do list look like?
MY: They
have been and remain until they kick me out of here, three priorities: 1
Ensuring that kids with disabilities have meaningful access and an opportunity
to learn college and career ready standards 2. Improving post-secondary
education and employment outcomes for individuals with disabilities with a
particular focus around transition and transition-age youth. 3. Addressing
inequities in special education- particularly those based on race and ethnicity
JG: Could
you talk a little bit more about those three priorities of OSERS?
MY: Sure,
The first is ensuring that kids with disabilities have meaningful access to
learn college and career ready standards and if you look across a number of our
initiatives, for example results driven accountability which is a laser focus
on how kids are doing and outcomes and everything that we have built around RDA
and state systemic improvement plans and the whole TA effort to support that
focuses upon outcomes and how kids are doing. Our recently issued guidance on
IEPs and how IEPS must be designed to allow a child to access and make progress
in the general curriculum which is the same general curriculum that applies to
non-disabled kids based upon state content standards for the grade in which the
child is enrolled. I’m really proud of the teams’ effort in the resource that
we just released- a web based resource that provides to schools and families
the research-based interventions and strategies both on the academic side as
well as the behavioral side, what we know actually works to help kids meet
those standards.
In the
second priority- improving postsecondary education and employment outcomes for
individuals with disabilities with a particular focus on transition, first and
foremost is the reauthorization of the VR (vocational rehabilitation) program
through the Workforce Investment Opportunity Act and there’s some incredible
opportunities for individuals with disabilities served by the VR program. There
are thirty million individuals with disabilities in this country and the labor
participation rate is around twenty percent, if that. VR serves those with
significant disabilities with a focus on those with the most severe
disabilities- so VR is not designed to support the millions and millions of
people with disabilities that need training, support, skill development and so
part of the Workforce Opportunity Act is the vision and creation of this
seamless, coordinated high-quality accessible workforce development system that
assists individuals with barriers to employment whether they are disabilities
or other barriers. The other thing about WIOA is that there is a particular emphasis
on serving youth with disabilities and coordinating services across IDEA and
VR. Both statutes require transition, and we’re really looking forward to
supporting educators and VR providers while ultimately focusing on our
consumers who are the young people themselves and their families to get the
transition services that are necessary to be successful. We have invested
resources around youth with disabilities. Last year for the first time OSEP and
RSA put up money together to support and fund a new technical assistance center
on transition- literally designed to coordinate the services between VR
agencies and education agencies. So we’re excited about that, but even this
year in VR we focused technical assistance dollars as well as some
discretionary dollars around helping VR agencies support harder to serve young
people: disconnected youth, kids who may have dropped out of school, kids that
are in foster care, kids that are in correctional institutions and supporting
VR agencies in reaching kids that are disconnected. I’m also really excited
about our career pathways demonstration project trying to link up education and
employment and stackable credentials that are necessary to achieve that
The third
priority is addressing the inequities. Kids with disabilities are
disproportionately suspended and removed from the classroom for disciplinary
reasons – that’s a major, major concern for many of us here at the Department,
across the administration and frankly in the field. We know that removing a kid
from a classroom is not an intervention. The research shows that it does not
improve behavior, it doesn’t address classroom management. On the contrary the
consequences of removing a kid are significant. Kids who are removed from the
classroom become disengaged, they suffer academically, they have poor
attendance, they are more likely to enter the juvenile justice system, drop out
of school. The school to prison pipeline data show that kids that are suspended
are at great risk for entering the correctional system. So we launched earlier
this year our Rethink Discipline Initiative We had a
convening at the White House with a number of districts to discuss how to
rethink discipline and come up with some stronger policies to support behavior
and we got some great conversations there. We launched our Twitter account and
got literally eight million views in the first twenty-four hours of our
#RethinkDiscipline. We’ve done a number of Google Hangouts. We’ve had thousands
of views on those. You can go on those and look at data of how kids with
disabilities have been suspended, how kids with disabilities of color are
suspended, males, females. You can click on a map on our website and see, for a
particular district, how kids with disabilities (or subgroups) are suspended,
and it is really an incredibly helpful tool. It utilizes our civil rights data
collection; so it takes the data and puts it into a format that is useful to
stakeholders. We also talk about in one of the Google Hangouts –Early Childhood
Suspensions and we know that a crazy number of kids as young as babies are
being suspended and expelled- removed from the classroom. For example black
kids make up about eight percent of preschoolers in this country, but they make
up 48 percent of preschoolers that are suspended or expelled so we did a Google
Hangout around that and what some state and local providers are doing to
address that. The third Google Hangout concerned what districts can do to
address behavior and we recently released a fantastic toolkit for teachers that
presents evidence-based alternatives to suspension: how do you address
behavioral problems in the classroom with specific research-based examples at
both the secondary and elementary levels. How do you prevent bad behavior. How
do you respond to and address bad behavior. A lot of effort in the discipline
space and a lot of energy in that regard. We have also committed to addressing
significant disproportionality in special education in identification and
placement and discipline based on race and ethnicity and we are working on
those as well.
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