Thursday, September 18, 2008

Hearing Officer On The Bench

People often ask me what it looks like to be a hearing officer.
Well here it is:
(I'm starting to really like technology)

Sometimes, like here, it looks sort of like a judge. Other times, it looks more like a meeting coordinator. On rare occasions, it looks more like pure chaos.

But pretty or not, the hearing officer is a vital part of the special education dispute resolution system. I kid hearing officers, but as I have written previously we are vitally important to the special education system established in this country. Despite our important role, our patron saint is Rodney Dangerfield because we don't get any respect. No respect at all. This note is just a quick keep up the good work and keep looking good!


  1. Forgive me, but why are you sitting in bankruptcy court?

  2. I sit wherever I can get free space. The Bankruptcy Court was very accomodating to our needs.


  3. Jim,
    How does you role differ from mediator and hearing officer? I am aware of the responsibilities of both, but can you be either for a district?

  4. Thanks for the comment, Mike.

    One should never be a mediator and a HO for the same case. That would defeat the effect of confidential discussions for mediation purposes.

    Otherwise, it is very possible to be a mediator and a HO. Under IDEA the states hire HOs and mediators, although many districts are now hiring mediators and facilitators themselves.


  5. You deserve all respect. A H.O. works hard and does what they can to help out. No one should deny that from you.

  6. Thanks Carlyn,

    I appreciate your respect, and I wish it was shared by all special ed stakeholders.

