Friday, November 16, 2012

Special Education Law 101 - Part IX

English: Seal of the Supreme Court of the Unit...
(Photo credit: Wikipedia)
This is the most recent post in the continuing series that is meant to be an introduction to special education law.  In today's post we will be discussing discipline of students with disabilities.  People often ask why disciplinary actions are regulated by the special education law.  The reason is that before passage of the law's predecessor, it was common for school officials to exclude children with disabilities by expelling them and giving them long suspensions. This series of abuses was reflected in the legislative history of the law.  
Discipline is one area that seems to cause folks to develop stomach problems (sorta like the rule against perpetuities in law school), but it isn't really as hard as we seem to make it.  Let me know if this explanation helps.

                                                   Discipline Issues

The IDEA imposes special rules that govern the discipline of students with a disability.  The basic rule is that a special education student may not have her placement changed (i.e., suspensions of more than 10 days or expulsion) for conduct that is a manifestation of her disability.  IDEA, § 615(k)(1)(F).  If the behavior is not a manifestation of the student’s disability, the student may be disciplined in the same manner and for the same duration as children without disabilities.  IDEA, § 615(k)(1)(C).

One exception is that, regardless of manifestation, the schools may remove a student to an interim alternative educational setting,  sometimes referred to as “IAES,” for up to 45 school days if (1) the student possesses a weapon at school; or (2) the student possesses or uses or sells illegal drugs at school; or (3) the student has inflicted “serious bodily injury” upon another person while at school.  IDEA, § 615(k)(1)(G).  The schools may also ask a hearing officer to change the placement of a student with a disability to an IAES if remaining in the current placement is substantially likely to result in injury to the student or others.  IDEA, § 615(k)(3)(A) and (B).

              Another cardinal rule in the discipline area is that regardless of whether the conduct of a student was a manifestation of the student’s disability, where a student with a disability is removed from his current placement, the schools must continue to provide educational services to ensure FAPE for the student and to enable the student to continue to participate in the general curriculum although in another setting.  IDEA, § 615(k)(1)(D).  See generally regarding discipline issues, 34 C.F.R. §§ 300.530 – 300.537. 
                The Supreme Court dealt with discipline issues and endorsed the stay put provision in the case of Honig v. Doe 484 U.S. 305, 108 S.Ct. 594, 559 IDELR 231 (1988).  In that decision, the Supreme Court, noting the Congressional intent in preventing the exclusion of disabled students and reiterating the importance of the procedural safeguards under the IDEA, refused to read a dangerousness exception into the stay put provision. The high Court outlines the history of abuses of the discipline of kids with disabilities in that decision.
 In District of Columbia v. Doe ex rel Doe 611 F.3d 888, 54 IDELR 275 (DC Cir 7/6/10) DC Circuit ruled that HO did not exceed his authority where he reduced a disciplinary suspension. HO reduced a 45 day suspension to an 11 day suspension noting the trivial nature of the infraction and finding that the more lengthy suspension denied FAPE to the student.

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1 comment:

  1. Good morning, My name is Lisa. My son Jack has a disability. The high school he attended last year (freshmen year) refused to recognize his disability after countless attempts made by me to acknowledge and address his needs. Jack was disciplined (suspended) over and over and over for behavior that was a direct result of his disability. And finally my son was charged with assaulting a teacher. Jack never touched anyone. I have the video. It took me all year to get the high school to evaluate Jack for services. The school finally said that Jack was eligible for a 504 Lesson Plan. But the school year was over and Jack was so traumatized that he could not return to the high school building. Jack's pediatrician wrote a letter to the school that Jack's mental wellbeing was so fragile at that point, he supported Jack not returning to the building. The 504 was put on hold. I decided to enroll Jack in a new school.
    This year my son happily started at a new school. Getting Jack to his new school was an 80 mile round trip commute. But Jack was happy to find a new place to start over. As of yesterday and a phone call with the previous school, my son has been expelled at his new school because of number suspensions from last school last year. I properly disclosed Jack's troubling previous year. But after that phone call, everything changed. I do not know what to do now. This is wrong. I need help. We live in southwest Michigan. Can you please help me?
